Ambujam Rose's Limited Time Special Offer

50% Off for Elevated Existence Summit Listeners!

Retail Value $220

Now Only $111

Unlocking Your Inner Truth:
Healing the Hidden Blocks to Clarity

We all want to know our own answers. Sounds simple right? “Just tune in and you’ll know.”

Nope it’s anything but simple. Why?

You’ve experienced eons of Soul History, and hurts, traumas and emotional woundings from this life.

In this moment when you go to relax, let go and surrender in your truth, the old unhealed hurts and hidden parts of you get alerted, then surface presently and contract.

Then you feel blocked or unclear.

The specific answers you desire to know now will determine which fears and emotional wounds are getting triggered.

What creates you to feel clear? Acknowledging, feeling, understanding and clearing your old hurts and pain.

So let’s help these parts of you feel truly seen and safe to heal and let go of the old bindings, awaken out of their pain and rediscover their most authentic brilliant selves!

This package includes a LIVE Group Power Healing® session with Ambujam, which is a one-of-a-kind accelerated healing process that liberates your old hurts, patterns and energetics on profound levels. It also includes a recoded healing and MORE!

As you instantly clear, heal, reconcile and complete the old, you’ll step into a new embodied space where you feel safe within, free to embrace your truth and truly welcome your own processes of tuning in.

Your inner Being knows your intricate journey of healing and awakening. All your specific multi-parts related to you knowing your own truth now come with you to all sessions for accelerated healing, swift transformation and embodied freedom. All you have to do is just be and these sessions do the rest!

ITEM 1: LIVE 90-Minute Group Power Healing Session (Retail Value: $88)

TOPIC: Unlocking Your Inner Truth: Healing the Hidden Blocks to Clarity

Session Date & Time:

Monday, May 5, 2025
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm ET

Join Ambujam for her world-renowned Group Power Healing® session as she brings you through her one-of-a-kind accelerated healing process that liberates your old hurts, patterns and energetics on profound levels.

As you instantly clear, heal, reconcile and complete the old, you’ll step into a new embodied space where you feel safe within, trusting and free to embrace your truth and welcome your own authentic processes of tuning in.

Your Being brings all your relevant mulit-parts of you connected to you knowing your own truth. All you have to do is just be and this session does the rest!

What is Group Power Healing®? 

Group Power Healing® propels your consciousness, evolution, awakening and self-mastery forward in seconds -rather than the weeks, months or lifetimes it takes to attain. It is the unity of our steadfast commitment to be and live as our True Self that unlocks all accelerated healing power.

What you’ll receive:

Ambujam’s profound understanding of your current awakening and your Soul’s history provides an unmatched fusion of rapid energy clearings and activating your inner knowing. You’ll liberate yourself from the old entrenched energy and awaken more effortlessly.

She works with original vibrational frequencies underlying our existence, addressing imbalances at their core, so you can be in harmonious alignment with your true authentic self:

  • This session meets your current stage of awakening, healing and embodiment, activating what you need to be able to know your truth and heal the old layers ‘in the way’
  • Free the roots of original patterns and Soul History cycles related to fully being in your authentic knowing
  • Unlock and activate your inner knowing, strengthen and nurture trust in yourself and energize your heart’s truth and path
  • Receive specific teachings and empowered guidance throughout the session to feel, know and live in alignment with what’s true for you now, embody your joy and live your highest path of empowered truth


  • Webinar open 15-min early with relaxing music and video our healing mountainous landscape
  • If you cannot call in LIVE, you’ll receive the entire session via proxy
  • Call in anytime during LIVE session
  • Session is audio only (no video) This creates the deepest space to be present with yourself and your healing experience
  • Replay posted 7 hours after session

ITEM 2: Group Power Healing MP3 Live Recording (Retail Value: $88)

TOPIC: Know Your Truth: Accelerated healing-clearing inner obstacles making it difficult to know

Session Description:

Knowing your inner truth easily-no-big-deal can be one of the most challenging things to do as a human being: You have this life experiences, past life experiences, cellular memory, fears, hurts, traumas, ideas, concepts, ego mind, identity… the list goes on of what creates it to be difficult to just simple know.

Receive accelerated healing-clearing the many old related feelings, reactions, energies-not-you and choices that makes knowing your truth difficult.

All you have to do is just be and this session does the rest:

  • This session meets you where you are in your self-healing, self-awareness awakening, inner growth and evolution as an incarnated being
  • Your specific feelings, multi-life-dimensional human experiences, choices, identities, Soul History and patterns related to you being in your knowing more easily will arise for swift healing and clearing
  • As you clear the old layers, we activate and open countless pathways and inner bridges into your knowing and embody you deep within yourself
  • This entire session is a mixture of healing-clearing the old and embodying you in your knowing
  • Heal and complete old Soul History cycles, choices and heal multi-dimensional parts carrying old outdated energy
  • Instantly clear what’s not your energy and not yours
  • Specific guidance, teachings, quick-focused healings and initiations continuously happen throughout this session to support your path as a whole, deepen self empowerment, self awareness and help you heal and deepen you in your inner knowing energy

ITEM 3: How to Trust Yourself MP3 (Retail Value: $44)

With the “How to Trust Yourself Mp3” you will:

  • Learn what trust TRULY is
  • Experience a guided meditation to feel your OWN INNER trust for yourself
  • Discern doubts and fears versus heart energy and inner trust
  • Consciously align and physically embody your trust
  • It’s a different experience every time you listen!


“Absolutely transformational! The fastest way I found to uncover who one truly is! Blocks, fears, traumas, EVERYTHING that needs to go from way, way, way, back. You just have to sit and be and Spirit does the rest! AMAZING! I wholeheartedly recommend Ambujam’s Group Power Healing® sessions to anyone wanting to free themselves!” — Gwyneth, UK


A Huge Releasing Shift
“Ambujam is a powerhouse! She goes straight into the energy that needs to be shifted out. Highly recommend her incredible Group Power Healing® sessions to everyone because they speak directly to you! There has been a huge releasing shift within me, an upgrading of my consciousness and understanding, as well as a reduction in physical aches and pains. Magic!!” — Julie, AU


Leap Into Your Next Level
“If you want to receive tangible quantum up-leveling with ease and grace, Ambujam’s Group Power Healing® sessions deliver and more. They are powerful, fast, and provide the individual the perfect heart-based, heart-aligned experience for where you are now and leap you into your next levels!” — K.D.


The Most Powerful Healing I Have Ever Had
“I am so grateful that my friend turned me on to you. These healing sessions are EXACTLY what I am working on, and what I need in my life right now-Some of THE most powerful healing/clearing I have ever had, and I have been doing energy work for over 40 years! Thank You so much!!!!!” — Steve


Feeling Free
“In the few months that I have been attending your Group Power Healings, I have almost completely healed a chronic health condition that I’ve dealt with for 9 years now. I had implemented many things over these years that had some improvements but would only go so far. Feeling free and grateful.”— Deborah


Ambujam Rose

AMBUJAM ROSE is a beacon of light in the realm of Quantum Energy Healing, Awakening, and Self Embodiment. Bringing 30+ years of expertise to the table, she stands as an unwavering bad-ass luminary for self-empowerment and living truth. With profound understanding of the Soul’s journey, she offers an unmatched mixture of accelerated healing and sparking inner knowing to quicken your awakening and ease your spiritual up-levelings.

Ambujam works with original vibrational frequencies that underlie our existence, addressing imbalances at their core so you can be in harmonious alignment with your true authentic self. Her unique Group Power Healing® leaps you through thresholds of healing, realizations and awakenings in seconds instead of the weeks, months, years and lifetimes it takes to attain. In a world where the quest for self-discovery is more relevant than ever, Ambujam is a testament to the true graceful power that awakens within all of us when we embark on the sincere journey of empowerment and truth.

Ambujam Rose's Limited Time Special Offer

50% Off for Elevated Existence Summit Listeners!

Retail Value $220

Now Only $111


If you are not 100% satisfied that this investment will assist you in your personal development, then you can contact us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund with no further obligations or commitments on your part. However, we only allow 2 refunds per summit season, per customer. If you have any questions, please contact us at: