Alicia Power Limited Time Special Offer

66% Off for Elevated Existence Summit Listeners!

Retail Value $370

Now Only $127

Curriculum From Spirit Series ONE

Creator Spirit Beings Explain Your Life

In these 10 X Life Changing Interviews with Alicia Power and Her Senior Spirit Tutors reveal brand new information about the worlds of soul and spirit and how YOU can accelerate your Soul Evolution!

Each recording has activating spirit light attunements embedded into the vibration of the recorded audio and Alicia’s voice tone.

Alicia’s Senior Creator Being mentors attend to your personal energy system every time you listen!

In this course you will experience:

  • New information never revealed before
  • The “BIG PICTURE’ is explained
  • The “real” Steps to Awakening
  • Alicia reveals the psychic training she received from Creator Being Spirit Tutors over 30+ years
  • The spirit world, soul evolution and life purpose are clarified
  • Vibrational attunement while listening, that reprograms your heart
  • Spiritual tools that accelerate your evolution
  • Valuable guidance from Spirit Overseers of your Soul

MODULE 1: Awaken to Your True Being

Who Are We?

In this introductory back-grounding interview, Alicia shares about her 30 years of Soul Training received directly from her Creator Being Spirit Tutors including:

  • Who are we – by the way?
  • What is the most important thing to do in this life?  
  • Who are your spirit teams?
  • How do we awaken?

MODULE 2: Why Did We Choose to Be Human?

What Is Real?

Alicia goes deeper and the Creator Beings answer ‘tough’ questions about…

  • How the ‘hologram’ works,
  • What is ‘real’ about this holographic experience
  • Why did we decide to be here
  • A start on the topic of ‘shadow’ energy and how it affects us
  • Who are we as humans?
  • Souls taking dark roles… are these mistakes?
  • Why have we come? An amazing revelation straight from Spirit…
  • How you can create SPEED in your learning curve with spirit tutors
  • What happens if you are not clearly hearing your guides?
  • Spirit answers how to power out of dis-empowerment
  • What is the most powerful way to pray for others?
  • Tools and tips on how to amplify your prayers to spirit

MODULE 3: Building a Partnership with Spirit Tutors

How Building A Partnership With Your Spirit Tutor Fulfills Your Life’s Goal

Alicia and her guides reveal secrets of higher awakening that are essential for all seekers of truth to discover, including:

  • The MOST important thing to do in this lifetime
  • How to awaken a consistent state of god consciousness
  • What key tools and skills are essential for a lightworker
  • How to begin learning about shadow energy
  • How to consciously partner with spirit tutors
  • Learn the detailed power of applying your attention to this partnership
  • Discover the consciousness tools spirit tutors will reveal to you
  • The indicators of a highly trained human consciousness
  • Senior Authority Spirit Mentors reveal amazing truths about the “Collective Awakening”

MODULE 4: How to Accelerate Your Soul Evolution

Inside Story Of The Law Of Attraction

You will learn the ‘inside story’ of what Ascension is and what is special about this time of major energy shifts on the planet.

Enjoy the detail revealed from a level of high authority in the spirit realms who oversee most dynamics humanity encounters.

You will discover:

  • The Law of Attraction: A deeper training.
  • Our soul’s purpose to incarnate
  • What is the Shift of the Ages?
  • Ascension – Is the physical world going to disappear?
  • The single one element that can rocket boost your Ascension
  • How do we consciously awaken to our mission?
  • The steps Spirit Tutors take to strengthen our light
  • How to support your aura if you live in a busy city
  • Specific powerful amplifiers anyone can do to generate realities

“Discover the single one element that can propel you at lightning speed into your Ascension…. Ascension is your right!”

MODULE 5: Deliberate Awakening

What Really IS Ascension? Plus An Awakening Tool

Alicia’s Spirit Tutors describe in detail the specific electro-magnetic changes occurring in you and humanity since the 2012 Shift Of Ages.

Plus Senior Spirit Tutors train you in a powerful everyday tool that WILL move you into your highest potential.

You will learn how to Harness the Wave of the global energy shifts and dissolve the paradigm box in which you currently limit yourself.

You will discover:

  • A tool to change your life – easily
  • The steps of deliberate awakening
  • How to accelerate the ascension energies
  • Since 2012, where exactly is the upgrade?
  • Receive a new meaning for what annoys you in life
  • How the Quantum World is shifting
  • A step-by-step process that will change your life
  • How high frequency light changes you
  • How to operate a daily life upgrade program
  • How Spirit Tutors respond to your request for healing
  • Member Question: How can I heal from shock and devastation?

“They look at a very big picture as they zero in on what you are inviting them to look at in your aura. These guys are experts on the ENTIRE matrix of who you as a soul are…. “

MODULE 6: The Angel (Elephant) in the Room

Gathering STRENGTH: The Purpose Of This Life

Alicia’s Spirit Tutors outline the why we come into physical incarnation.

You will discover:

  • What are we actually doing while we’re here. The fundamental reason to be here.
  • Why you experience pain or fear.
  • Why you CHOOSE each person who hurts you!
  • A deeper story is revealed about our spirit selves
  • The real meaning of your life
  • The initiation of becoming physical
  • A therapist’s question about taking on others’ pain
  • The exact reasons we allow ourselves to be hurt
  • Why education about psychic pain is part of your awakening
  • Learn why a healthy energy field supports your soul agenda
  • How entities strategically operate in your aura
  • When you feel STUCK: What Alicia actually sees in your aura

“Begin your training program with your Spirit Tutors… give them permission to begin this program… so that there is not one situation in your life that you don’t understand.”

MODULE 7: Help and Support from the Spirit World

How High Authority Spirit Beings Can Support You

You will discover:

  • How Spirit Beings of High Authority can speed up your soul evolution, even change your life circumstances quickly – and upgrade your spiritual leadership – in a short time
  • Alicia’s Story: Alicia travels back to her early years of working with these High Authority Beings — even to the first powerful moments that signaled a major change in her work, her facilitation capacity, and the new trajectory of training she has received ever since
  • A special gift for all listeners is offered from these High Authority Beings.
  • How Spirit Tutors can mentor you into Spiritual Leadership
  • How Spirit Tutors can Upgrade a person’s ‘Thought Stream’ on request
  • How Troubled Souls In Our Families Can Affect Our Life’s Opportunities And Sense Of Confidence

MODULE 8: Living Our Highest Soul Purpose

How To Workshop One’s Life Direction And Contribution

Alicia’s Spirit Tutors train you in maintaining a “Continuum Of Joy” that attracts higher opportunities, and gives you your heritage of a love-filled life.

In listening, this trains you in the step by step ‘how-to’ of manifesting your own highest soul expression.

You will awaken to how to partner with your Spirit Helpers to crystallize your own deepest longing and specific core soul expression.

You will discover:

  • Hear directly from Spirit about your right as humans to be happy
  • The accelerating benefit of adding joy to your Soul choices.
  • How to create a Continuum of Joy
  • How to magnetize to yourself higher opportunities
  • Hear Spirit discuss ‘How to be On-Purpose AND Make A Living’
  • How this life is your opportunity to gain Soul Maturity
  • The variety of Soul Purposes experienced by humans
  • Workshop tools for your soul clarity
  • How your Spirit Tutor can trigger new ideas that can literally change your life

MODULE 9: How Your Aura Creates Your Reality

How Your Heart Optimizes Realities

Alicia’s Spirit Tutors reveal extraordinary new information about the deep influences that control our daily realities.

After 3 decades of observing Spirit Technicians carefully re-construct auric fields, Alicia explains how everything is controlled via the archive we carry from our soul’s journeys.

This interview will help you notice that you CAN control the speed of change in your life – IF you choose to work deliberately with your own archive of subliminal soul history.


Several powerful long-term Spirit-Partnering tools are offered in this module, for you to activate your empowerment program.

Each day the spirit world stands beside you waiting for you to invite them to heal your heart. It is this reality-changing invitation that is explained in detail in this extraordinary interview.

You will discover:

  • How your heart magnetizes reality
  • Why negative experiences take place in your life
  • Exactly how who we are on the inside shows up on the outside
  • Our learning curve in our Quantum Classroom
  • How to begin a program of healing and clearing of our energy system
  • How technician spirit helpers work in your aura
  • Practical ways to clear your soul history over time
  • Key knowledge why you have ongoing financial difficulties
  • How destructive energy sits inside your aura from old experiences as a soul
  • Different soul types and how they manage money differently
  • How Spirit Tutors can create a specific reality you ask for — and how to ask for it.

MODULE 10: The Hidden Truth of Why We Are Here

At Last, Your Life Instructions: WHO You Are

The story of our lives unfolds like it has never before… 

Senior spirit tutors reveal ‘who’ you are at the highest level.

Then ‘why’ that high part of you incarnates into physicality.

Hear a simple explanation revealed by these CEO level beings, that leaves even Alicia nearly speechless by the end of the conversation because of its sheer power!

As you listen you will gain a rare understanding of your role, your longing, your choice to be here and what to do next.

You will discover:

  • Practical steps to take to begin engaging with these Spirit Beings
  • What is the surprising reason most souls have decided to incarnate at this time on planet Earth.
  • What exactly as a human should you be ‘doing’ in this hologram of life?
  • How do you use each moment correctly?
  • Is the spirit world too detached – to human suffering, that they allow it?
  • What is the power-shift change of perspective the Spirit Tutors offer as ‘the answer’.
  • The single most important role your soul has the opportunity to deliver.
  • By developing your ‘light’ how do you affect the human collective?

“We are sending information back up to that higher neutral aspect of ourselves about what it feels like to be limited!”


“I’ve been waiting my whole life to be ready to hear this conversation. Everything makes complete sense now, and I’m ready to start creating these realities with my Spirit Tutors! Amazing. I’m so incredibly grateful for this.”


“Hello Alicia, Riveting! That’s how I see your journey. I’m so grateful you took it and share it…”


“I am just so thrilled to finally be getting this information I’ve been wondering about and longing for, for over three decades.”


“Thank you so much for all the tips and tools that can guide me forward into a stronger more empowered space…”

“Dear Alicia, WOW! My usual refrain that this was/is the best…BUT…this WAS/IS THE BEST!! The whole issue of speed and of our intentions…our deep preferences & choices all makes my heart sing.”
“Great blessings to you, you who are Alicia Power here in 3D. May the light you have shone for others surround you and bless you x 1000.”


“There is a resonance that flows with listening to you talk that is another powerful layer of the experience.”


“I love these interviews and I love this subject of love. Thank you!”


“Mind blowing!”


“As always…. wow! Gold!”

Alicia Power

Alicia Power has been a spiritual teacher for 40 years. Her partnerships with Creator Being Spirit Mentors shortcuts the growth curve because of their generous availability to HEAL your SOUL WOUNDS. For Lightworkers wanting to advance their SOUL AGENDA, clearing the drag on your awakening is essential. Alicia is an advanced telepath, forensic energy healer, master teacher, and global visionary. Her YouTube channel has over 1.4 million views, she has authored over 20 online channeled soul accelerating courses, mentors thousands of students around the world, and is interested in helping humanity awaken in time.

Alicia Power Limited Time Special Offer

66% Off for Elevated Existence Summit Listeners!

Retail Value $370

Now Only $127


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